
Learn You a Haskell: Table of contents

[Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!]

著者: Miran Lipovaca
ライセンス: creative commons license

「Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!」を読んで思った事をメモしておく。

Table of contents
1. Introduction (1)
1.1 About this tutorial (2)
1.2 So what's Haskell? (3)
1.3 What you need to dive in (4)
2. Starting Out (5)
2.1 Ready, set, go! (6)
2.2 Baby's first functions (7)
2.3 An intro to lists (8)
2.4 Texas ranges (9)
2.5 I'm a list comprehension (10)
2.6 Tuples (11)
3. Types and Typeclasses (12)
3.1 Believe the type (13)
3.2 Type variables (14)
3.3 Typeclasses 101 (15)
4. Syntax in Functions (16)
4.1 Pattern matching (17)
4.2 Guards, guards! (18)
4.3 Where!? (19)
4.4 Let it be (20)
4.5 Case expressions (21)
5. Recursion (22)
5.1 Hello recursion! (23)
5.2 Maximum awesome (24)
5.3 A few more recursive functions (25)
5.4 Quick, sort! (26)
5.5 Thinking recursively (27)
6. Higher Order Functions (28)
6.1 Curried functions (29)
6.2 Some higher-orderism is in order (30)
6.3 Maps and filters (31)
6.4 Lambdas (32)
6.5 Only folds and horses (33)
6.6 Function application with $ (34)
6.7 Function composition (35)
7. Modules (36)
7.1 Loading modules (37)
7.2 Data.List (38)
7.3 Data.Char (39)
7.4 Data.Map (40)
7.5 Data.Set (41)
7.6 Making our own modules (42)
8. Making Our Own Types and Typeclasses (43)
8.1 Algebraic data types intro (44)
8.2 Record syntax (45)
8.3 Type parameters (46)
8.4 Derived instances (47)
8.5 Type synonyms (48)
8.6 Recursive data structures (49)
8.7 Typeclasses 102 (50)
8.8 A yes-no typeclass (51)
8.9 The Functor typeclass (52)
8.10 Kinds and some type-foo (53)
9. Input and Output (54)
9.1 Hello, world! (55)
9.2 Files and streams (56)
9.3 Command line arguments (57)
9.4 Randomness (58)
9.5 Bytestrings (59)
9.6 Exceptions (60)
10. Functionally Solving Problems (61)
10.1 Reverse Polish notation calculator (62)
10.2 Heathrow to London (63)
11. Functors, Applicative Functors and Monoids (64)
11.1 Functors redux (65)
11.2 Applicative functors (66)
11.3 The newtype keyword (67)
11.4 Monoids (68)
12. A Fistful of Monads (69)
12.1 Getting our feet wet with Maybe (70)
12.2 The Monad type class (71)
12.3 Walk the line (72)
12.4 do notation (73)
12.5 The list monad (74)
12.6 Monad laws (75)
13. For a Few Monads More (76)
13.1 Writer? I hardly know her! (77)
13.2 Reader? Ugh, not this joke again. (78)
13.3 Tasteful stateful computations (79)
13.4 Error error on the wall (80)
13.5 Some useful monadic functions (81)
13.6 Making monads (82)
14. Zippers (83)
14.1 Taking a walk (84)
14.2 A trail of breadcrumbs (85)
14.3 Focusing on lists (86)
14.4 A very simple file system (87)
14.5 Watch your step (88)

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