
Pattern-Oriented Software Architectures: Programming Mobile Services for Android Handheld Systems (7th Virtual office hours)

==== W6A5 ====
Null check is not done for the result of msg.getData(), etc.
One liner coding.
"this" is used as context.
One liner coding.
makeIntent: One liner coding.
Messenger is casted with (Messenger). It it necessary?
ThreadPool...this is used as context in runnable.
getParcelExtra() is better because it is shorter.

==== W7A6 ====
Quiz is hard because finding issues is difficult.
Fixing is easy.
9 questions. 5 key issues.
add permission Record audio or exported=false??
require same permission??
filter for timezone??
add permission malware does not have, e.g. READ_LOG...??
The bunch of ways to fix the problem on this assignment.
export=false, requiring same permissions for callers.
Decompiling apk is easy.
Reduce unnecessary permissions.

==== cloud service ====
It is originally 6weeks course but 10weeks long because of summer vacation.
The Spring Boot is used as a framework.
It can be possible to use Amazon S3.

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